HyperXite is a student-led team that participates in the Hyperloop competition. Through researching and developing prototypes, we aim to revolutionize the transportation industry at a low cost, while ensuring the safety, health and welfare of the public.

The Hyperloop is a concept popularized by SpaceX in 2013. HyperXite is currently developing and building the next generation of transportation that is safer, cheaper, faster and more energy efficient than cars, planes, boats and trains.


Established in 2015 at the University of California Irvine, HyperXite is a team of undergraduate students endeavoring to build a Hyperloop pod.

our pod

HyperXite is working to research, design, build, and validate a small-scale pod using LIM to be tested on the team’s own test track.



HyperXite has competed in the past four Spacex Hyperloop Pod Competitions and the European Hyperloop Week Competition.

In Competition I, HyperXite was one of the semifinalists and placed fifth for their overall design worldwide.

Additionally, the HyperXite pod was one of the only air levitated pods to be tested within the Hyperloop itself during Competition II and placed in the top 6.

In the past two competitions, HyperXite was one of the top 22 finalists to attend competition in Hawthorne, CA.





HyperXite consists of 30 undergraduate students from Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Computer engineering, Physics, Electrical engineering, and Computer Science. Our team structure includes nine subteams: Management, Static Structures, Dynamic Systems, Propulsion, Braking, Pneumatics, Power Systems, Control Systems, and Outreach.


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