Team Leads

Lead subsystems by engineering, designing, and planning to collaboratively ensure that the HyperXite pod operates safely and successfully


Dr. Roger H. Rangel
Faculty Advisor

Patricio Guerrero
 Founder / Advisor


Mackenzie Puig-Hall
Systems Engineer


Arwa Tizani
Team Captain

Devin Pozas
Structures Lead

Khaled Takwa
Power Systems Lead

Mazen Nader Alkhatib
Outreach Lead

Robert Chavez
Compressed Air Lead

Calvin Borchers
Lab Manager

Chancelier Schilling
Documentation Lead

Leslie Hsaio
Simulations Lead

Woo Yoong Chong
Electrical Lead

Anthony Long
Internal Advisor

Andrew Tec
Controls Lead

Enpei Wu
Transportation Lead

Nick Parks
Levitation Lead

Brian O'Sullivan
Magnetic Braking Lead

Dong Kim
Manufacturing Lead

Adora Tadros
Digital Coordinator